lunes, 3 de febrero de 2020

A Lupita le gustaba planchar-libro

Lupita, la protagonista de esta novela, es una antiheroína fuera de serie. Es una policía poco agraciada físicamente, con problemas de alcoholismo, que ha padecido la violencia y sobrevive en un medio donde reinan las apariencias, el dinero y el poder.
En su búsqueda del amor, termina involucrada de forma azarosa en el asesinato de un político y debe desentrañar lo que hay detrás del crimen, pues su propia vida está en riesgo.
Con su característico lenguaje accesible y enganchador, un refrescante humor negro y una profunda mirada espiritual, Laura Esquivel traza un fascinante retrato de una sociedad que ha perdido el rumbo, donde casi todos somos un poco Lupita y buscamos algo que nos salve del desamor.

A teacher by trade, Laura Esquivel gained international attention with Like Water for Chocolate: A Novel in Monthly Installments with Recipes, Romances and Home Remedies and The Law of Love. In both books she manages to incorporate her teaching abilities by giving her readers lessons about life. During an on-line Salon interview with Joan Smith, she said, "As a teacher I realize that what one learns in school doesn't serve for very much at all, that the only thing one can really learn is self understanding and this is something that can't be taught." With the intensity of a committed teacher incorporating glitzy stunts into the curriculum to get the attention of her students, Esquivel took a bold step when she incorporated multimedia in The Law of Love by combining her science fiction, new age, and spiritual story with a CD of arias by Puccini and Mexican danzones, and forty-eight pages of illustrations by a Spanish artist.

#A_Lupita_le_gustaba_planchar by #LauraEsquivel #Prestamo #BibliotecaLosCristianos #Leer_en_Tenerife

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