sábado, 10 de febrero de 2018

Nora Roberts-"Diamantele vin din cer"

am citit-o dintr-o suflare, in romaneste....e superba deci mai imi raman alte 2 din aceeasi serie Gallaghers of Ardmore...recomand 
Hotarita sa-si reevalueze viata, Jude Murray pleaca din America si se refugiaza la Faerie Hill Cottage, unde incepe sa studieze folclorul irlandez, descoperind o speranta pentru viitor in magia trecutului. Revenind acasa, in Irlanda, dupa ani de calatorii, Aidan Gallagher poseda o capacitate neobisnuita de a intelege tulburatoarele mituri ale tarii sale. In Jude, vede o femeie care ii poate alina sufletul si infierbinta singele. Incepe sa imparta cu ea legendele acelei tari, creind, in acelasi timp, propria lor poveste pasionala.

Determining to reevaluate her life, Jude Murray flees America to take refugee in Faerie Hill Cottage, immersing herself in the study of Irish Folk and discovers hope for the future of the magical past.
Finally back home in Ireland after years of traveling, Aidan Gallagher possesses an uncommon understanding of his country's haunting myths.

Although he's devoted to managing the family pub, a hint of wildness still glints in his stormy eyes--and in Jude, he sees a woman who can both soothe his heart and stir his blood. And he begins to share the legends of the land with her--while they create a passionate history of their own...

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